弊社は合成ダイヤモンドおよびCBN製造のグローバルリーダー、Element Six社の製品を取り扱っております。高品質な製品ラインナップの中からお客様のご要望に最適な製品をご提案いたします。
We offer products suit your needs with the highest quality.
We handle Element Six products, who is a world-leading synthetic diamond and CBN manufacturer. We offer you the best products suit your needs from the high-quality product lineup.
Element Six社と緊密に連携し、製品の安定供給に努めております。即納をご希望の製品がございましたら、弊社にて在庫対応もしておりますので、先ずはご相談ください。
We respond flexibly to you for a stable supply of products.
We work closely with Element Six to ensure a stable supply of products. If you have requests for short delivery and stocking, please contact us first.
We offer a wire-cutting service of PCD and PCBN discs.
If a short delivery time is required, please contact us. We will wire-cut discs by ourselves following the requested specifications with a quick response.
We take your request for cutting/brazing of mono diamonds as well.
Your offer for cutting and/or brazing of single crystal diamonds is also welcome. Please contact us for more details.
ELEMENT SIXElement Six社について
De Beers GroupのElement Six社は、合成ダイヤモンドをはじめとした工業用素材の設計、開発、生産における世界的なリーディングカンパニーです。
Element Six, a member of De Beers Group, is a world-leading company of synthetic diamonds and other industrial materials in design, development and production.